i´ve had a lot of Primus, umral aneven with everversum emgram at the post Master. When i opened a couple of sector chests i didnt get a warning that the postmaster would be full.. but instead of the new items i didnt care about getting lost, the postmaster got overwritten and i lost all the engrams..... even from the everversum..... can you help?
Hi there. The Postmaster is not meant to be used for storage and has limited capacity. Players are encouraged to pick up any items that drop on the ground when they see them and periodically check their Postmaster to clear out items or else risk losing them when new items go to the Postmaster.
• Items held by the Postmaster may be lost if not manually retrieved and stored in the Vault.
• Items are discarded from the Postmaster when accruing over 20 "Lost Items" or deleting a Character.
• Bungie does not replace in-game items that are lost or discarded. ([url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12211]Deleted Item and Character Policy[/url])