Bungie the amount of different currency for different things in the game is kinda ridiculous.
I people will argue that we’re losing 3, but because of weapon crafting we’re GAINING 4 sooo...
Between masterworking, Transmog (jesus, Transmog...), infusion, weapon crafting, decrypting, I really think you guys need to slim things down.
Not only is it annoying to keep track of, but there’s always the scenario of
“I need __ and __ to upgrade __, but I only have 1 __ and a ton of __”
Especially since blues and postmaster space is still an issue, the chance remains that we could have materials pushed out and lost.
Just slim it down man.
Ok we’re loosing 10 currencies in witch queen. I think the main issue people have with thousands of materials is having to grind for them all typically individually. Ps they can go in the vault