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1/8/2022 2:27:44 AM

Helping people with disabilities

When I was a little boy I got a bow and arrow for my birthday, (I was 5, it was the 70's) long story short, I have only one eye that kind of works. there are a lot of floaters in my vision, over 20, and my eye has trouble dialating to light. I am a solo player. I love end game activities (GM'S) but I need a "pause" button so when my eye needs a break, I wouldn't be timed out, or have adds come and kill me when I think I'm safe. Is there any way you could help me out? raids are hard for me to do, people get upset by me needing breaks, and I always feel like I'm holding them back. GM's are all I have... please help me keep them... I need a pause button. PLEASE BUNGIE, PLEASE!!! I LOVE THIS GAME!



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