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由red_devil_9909編輯: 11/26/2021 8:08:12 PM

Fallen and technology of other races and factions

so im getting back into the game and into the lore so i wanted to start off with something simple. Fallen/eliskni using tech from other people and what we could maybe see em steal and utilize in the future. So we've seen them use siva to black armory to even cabal tech and i find it interesting that they can figure out how and utilize all these different technologies (seemingly) very fast. My main idea is that eventually maybe the fallen could find a way to interact with the vex maybe even splicers joining the hive mind network of the vex. perhaps we could see them experiment with the darkness and technology from other races to create something new and dangerous but its all just rambling tbh but fun to think about in my opinion



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  • Good thing they’ve already done all of these things! The real question is, what if we give them the bungie toaster? Will they reverse engineer Jötunn? Will they build a nuke? Will they discard it for the superior deity telesto? Wait… what IF we give Mithras a nuke? Can he talk to it?



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