Alternate Idea for Those Wanting Twilight Garrison
It took me 3 seconds to think of this, so feedback is welcomed. I saw a post talking about how those wanting a mobility exotic, I.e. Twilight Garrison isn’t necessary because you shouldn’t be going for mobility as a titan in the first place. Whereas my opinion doesn’t matter on the subject, (though I respectfully disagree in some ways, and agree in others) I thought of an alternate solution.
If what the player base wants is an alternate traversal option in the form of an exotic for the titan, why not make it to where the titan does a quick jump, maybe about 6 to 12 feet high that can kick off of walls? It could even be chained with that annoying stasis titan melee at the peak of the jump.
That’s my rough elevator pitch. The fundamental idea here is that there are always workarounds and alternatives for what people want. I think that if twilight garrison is added, it shouldn’t be a copy and pasted icarus dash, rather, something more creative and less broken, such as a jump or a wall jump.
Thanks goobers.
P.S. Add No Land Beyond God dangit. I’m making a post about it, so anyone reading this please read it if you care, and give me honest feedback. :3