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8/30/2021 8:30:42 PM

BUNGIE NEEDS to let us replay campaigns on non-new characters

In beyond light Bungie stopped the ability to play the campaigns on a character after completing them on that character. I don't see why it was removed when plenty of people did it. It couldn't have been to do with sunsetting to make room for new content because all that content is still in the game, you just have to make a new character to do it which is not nice at all. Can someone [b][i]please[/i][/b] take this into consideration? I've had enough of not being able to replay my campaigns even when half of them were removed.



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  • I imagine this will be a thing in Witch Queen, considering that they are adding legendary difficulty to the new campaign. Hopefully that means they will switch back to a traditional campaign as opposed to the filler "do bounties to unlock next mission" crap that shadowkeep and beyond light did.



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