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4/13/2021 4:58:00 AM

Full Network Troubleshooting Still Cant Matchmake PVE or PVP - Evaluating Guardians Then Game Crashes

I've recently re-downloaded destiny 2 and am able to play pve and content, but anything with matchmaking and in open world and tower there is no other players. Loading into the tower and destinations there is no other players loading in no matter how long i wait. Pve matchmaking such as strikes and season of chosen battleground load me in by myself. crucible playlist stuck on evaluating guardians 1/12 and no matter what if left for a while or if i cancel matchmaking my game crashes soon after. Countless forums and network troubleshooting and all points towards the network to be completely fine. NAT is open- 3097 but it does seem to be a network problem and here is the only place i can post no problems with any other multiplayer game redownloaded twice and havent seen a single player yet, if anyone can help or if bungie could contact that would be great.



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