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由LionSoldier11YT編輯: 4/12/2021 10:58:15 PM

A Wild Risk-D2 Fanfic

It all started with a kicked down door. Literally. My Guardian kicked in Zavala’s office door because he was so excited. “ZAVALA, I HAVE THE MIST AMAZING THING TO TELL-“ he stopped because Zavala shot him. After I revived him, he explained. “I assume you know I’ve been off-planet for a few months helping Eris, right? Well I’ve finally got some rewards reaped from that. Follow me!” Zavala followed him through the Tower. “What are we doing, Apollo?” He asked. “Going down to the labs.” He answered. “What for?” “To show you what I found!” They got to the laboratory and Apollo revealed his prize. “What is that?” Zavala asked with a hint of disgust. The thing in question was a slimy black circle, with a putrid shade of green emanating from inside it. “ a Hive egg! Straight from Crota’s Brood on the moon. It is going to hatch in three days time!” Apollo shouted joyfully. “Guardian, do you have [i]any[/i] idea how wild a risk this is?” “That’s exactly the point.”



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