From what I've read, heard, and seen about exos it that they can be brought back, but without their memories. However, the dead exos triumph has you extract memories from long deceased exos. What if you could extract cayde's memories from his dead body and put them and his mind into a fresh exo body effectively reviving him, however without his light...
I want to hear some opinions and if I'm wrong about this please do correct me
(I am aware that cayde requested that he not be brought back)
由Spectra編輯: 3/31/2021 4:58:00 PMAt that point it would just be an exo that acted like Cayde but wouldn’t really be Cayde. Just a copy of him. It would be like losing your dog and buying one that looked the same and giving it the same name. They would look alike but they are different dogs.
we can bring him back from another time line we brought back saint 14 and the stranger is from another time line
由Kitty編輯: 4/1/2021 1:35:03 AM
This is a cool idea and it is possible but, Bungie said they were killing him off for good. People think they are lying so they can set up a plot but I actually believe them. If they brought him back, what would be the point if Forsaken, the f***in biggest DLC bungo has ever made?