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2/13/2021 2:22:05 AM

The black fleet is a single vessel

so think about this, what if the darkness is like a have mind, sharing the same "consciousness" but with different bodies, aka the pyramid ships what if lightfall could have us taking out each pyramid ship to weaken the darkness (or winnower) and force it to take a physical form to fight back agents us thoughts?



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  • So similar to the vex? I can see them doing that likely will have troops destroying/guarding some huge weapon we have to destroy them that we lost control of covering each of the main ships.(I think the planets will come back I don't think they were destroyed. Asher had a experiment he shot the ships and found that even though it looked as though the projectile was gone it was just being held in place in a field) so I think we will be targeting the main ships. And take one out at a time. Then one on the city to win like how each expansion has been made since forsaken.



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