If love some sort of trade network in destiny but I think Bungie are worried about real-world money being traded in stead. We already have this essentially with recovs so I don’t see why they couldn’t implement it.
Good point. However if people want to trade with real money let them trade. However I think, if you read it all, you can have an in-game economy use for this system, where gear is traded for materials, etc. Aside from Bright Dust, there's not much else that can be done with it.
In Animal Crossing they decided to skip most of the real-money commerce opportunities, for an in-game item gained with in-game tasks and experiences called Nook Miles Ticket, used as payment for whatever kind of service done between players. Sounds like how Bright Dust is gained, but BD it is a much more scarce item and using it as gear-trading currency is not so feasible!