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11/4/2020 4:12:47 PM

Niobe labs level 7 doesn't want to work

We've tried swapping weapons, input method, even people, only level 7 seems to not work, we can easily go through the start and 6 levels. Only level 7 appears to just not work, we tried inputting it one by one, all at once, nothing works. We get a lot of problems like this, sleeper nodes on mars for example, even after going through 300 nodes after the "fix" we still seem to be getting redundant nodes (thus we can't get the triumph and the emblem for them) Can I also mention that lack of support ticket system is annoying? I understand that you would get a lot of questions that are already answered in FAQ but it impacts the players that really need help.



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  • ValiantLem explains the problem perfectly. We had been having the same problem for a few days. The Fish hitbox is way outside of what it should be. Watch this video by SneakyBeaver and go to 10:27. He shows you exactly where the hitbox is for the Fish. Make sure to get a hitmarker on the Fish to confirm that it went through. Good luck!



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  • We did it on Monday. And we failed level 7 many times before we got it right. Not sure what the cause was but could be related to the fish symbol yeah.



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  • The problems with level 7 in Niobe's Torment is almost certainly due to the fish symbol on the ground the sniper player has to shoot first. It's fairly finicky, and in my team's successful run it took me about 4-5 shots to get the particle effect that shows the symbol's been activated. I just started firing at the middle and slowly moved the reticle toward me and firing again until it worked. Other people have had success firing at the top of the symbol. As for the sleeper nodes, Bungie had this to say: [quote]Due to the way that the Sleeper Nodes were created, we are unable to completely remove the possibility of receiving duplicate Override Frequencies, but we are making some improvements to greatly reduce the odds of receiving a duplicate. [/quote] Source: There are some tips on that page to improve the odds of completing the triumph. Ultimately, though, you're still at the mercy of RNG, so it's understandable that you wouldn't want to keep trying. Best of luck with Niobe.



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