由Eden編輯: 9/16/2020 1:42:18 PMHere, this'll really accentuate the difference. Guardian standing in the same spot, looking the same way. - [url=https://images.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/destiny-2/destiny-2-field-of-view-001-65.png]65 FOV[/url] - [url=https://images.nvidia.com/geforce-com/international/images/destiny-2/destiny-2-field-of-view-001-105.png]105 FOV[/url] Console default FOV is 72, Max FOV on PC is 105 (I think, don't quote me on that.)
I believe you are correct about the 72. On pc I generally run either 85 or 90 fov. I'll bump it down to 75 or up to 100 every once in a while. I personally don't care much for the 100 to 105 though. I wonder how 105 would look on an ultra-wide monitor?
So. Your character’s vision may seem zoomed in if we do get a FOV slider. Ok I’m going to try and explain this but I will probably to a terrible job. An FOV slider changes your field of view to make things around you feel more distant but you because of that you also have a wider field of view aka you can see around you better.
Lol, console field of view is from your cheekbone to your eyebrow. Hipfire is more like neckfire. You can't see the thing you are jumping up to, even though it's chest height. FOV slider simply backs the lense zoom off a bit, so you have a wider angle.