To whom this may concern:
Hello all and thanks for tuning in, i started playing destiny 2 when forsaken launched ( So im not a rank 1 been playing my whole life player) however i am still a customer and have made a few purchases so my opinion should still count. At any rate, I decided to come back about 2 months ago and see "What's New" with Destiny and got right back into the grind like i never left and let me share with you some of my experiences.
I love it ! the mechanics, coordination, and difficulty are right where they need to be. I cannot express how much fun i have doing these with my clan, It's like every time we get in there it's just nothing but smiles * unless we are trying to do a raid challenge, then it get's a little sweaty sometimes) but none the less i really enjoy my time spent in them.
Dailies, weeklies, strikes , dungeons:
Same as raiding i truly believe that there is a great balance of not too much and not too little when it comes to these, i have a full time 40 hour a week job with 2 kids and a wife and I'm still able to get all my major bounties done in the week ( sometimes even on two characters).
I literally cannot stand this crap, i wrote this post just to let you know that PVP in it's own is really really making me decide whether i want to continue playing destiny or not ( it is literally that bad that i decided to stay up at 1am and make a post about it just to inform you that this and this alone is a making me want to just stop playing destiny all together and put in a ticket for a refund on my expansion purchase)
Do you have any idea what it's like to be a casual player trying to enjoy his time after work playing a game the YOU designed, to just completely get dominated and non stop headshotted the majority of my time?
Do you have any clue on how frustrating it is to try over and over again to shake it off, and grow vanes on the side of my head due to me yelling non stop at my monitor because i'm getting sniped across the room through a building?
Do you know what it's like to invite 3 friends ( which paid for the expansion / season pass btw) to play destiny with you and a few months later on a friday night you call them to come hang and play and they respond to you saying " F that game dude, i'm good bro i don't feel like getting shot through walls and head shotted all night"
Now i know i'm a scrub and i ain't denying that, hell i'm an ok player nothing fancy to see here but the fact that i question " did i die cause the dude outplayed me, or was it an aimbot" is just a terrible terrible feeling.
Let me repeat that just in case it didn't sink in
" The fact that i have to question almost every other death to whether the other player outplayed me or whether they were most likely using aimbot is a terrible terrible feeling"
I MEAN LOOK AT THIS CRAP these dudes are literally making money off of you guys and derailing the potential that this game has right under you guys and it " seems" as though you guys ain't doing nothing about it
these dudes are straight taking your lunch money and you guys just keep letting them take it?
Now whatever you do with this information is up to you, hell it's your game i'm just a guy paying and playing it.But I at least wanted to make this post known to you so that if my friends and i decide to call it quits at least we tried to reach out to you guys, if you get anything from this post all i want you guys to know is that the state that pvp is in is really really about to make me just shut the game off until you guys patch and ban these cheaters that a ruining a paying customer ( that's me and many others) experience in a game that you built.
and obviously there are many more out there, but i didn't feel like linking every single one as it is late enough and i need to get to bed.
Thanks in advance and i hope that you guys do something about this cheating problem cause i would really hate to depart form this wonderful game of yours again.
Oh, how I wish you could have been there for Destiny 1 Year 1. Ever weapon had a ridiculous TTK, but everyone was so bad that we never took full advantage of it. Games weren't so sweaty. Cheaters weren't a thing by that point - not in any meaningful amount, anyway.