My steam account was hacked so i want to switch my steam account to reclaim the progress. BUNGIE HELP
Dear bungie,
recently my account was hacked and steam didnt help in actually getting my account back. After much question and asking from steam it seemed my account was lost to the hacker and no way of retrieving it. The account name was IApeCity on steam. I just want to know that is there a way to change my steam account so that i can link my psn account with it for cross save. my psn is Aur-Kesa-Dia. i really dont wanna grind all the way back since the amount of time i put in it was very high. Please bungie help cus destiny 2 is the only game i play and i dont wanna loose all my progress it by some hacker.
As unfortunate as this is for you, Bungie leaves all account security issues to the players. They expect your accounts to be fully secured, using strong passwords and two factor authentication. If your account was compromised, there's nothing that Bungie will do to migrate your progress, unlink your accounts on your behalf, or anything else to related your linked accounts. If you are cross saved, you will need to be able to authenticate all accounts linked to the cross save to disable it, and regain access to those accounts. If you cannot do this, then all linked accounts will be forever stuck in that configuration. If they are not cross saved, you can move your un-compromised accounts away from the original profile and create a new one.