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7/17/2020 3:14:18 AM

New Active Clan

Looking for a new clan who plays PvE, PvP, and end game content on XB1. There are somethings I want to complete before the next DLC. I can hold my own in PvE but mainly play PvP, so if you need to help I got ya. I'm a Warlock main, 2nd character Titan. GT: Holy Goutte
#Clans #xb1



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  • Hi there! We are recruiting for Xbox players that want to do endgame content such as dungeons, raids, trials, etc. Right now we are around 35+ members and are in need of more so we can more frequently do endgame content. We have an awesome group of PvE players, but are in need of more frequent PvP players that are willing to do trials and comp. However, PvE players are needed as well. Looking for experienced, but will accept novice players who are willing to learn. We have patient and helpful members that will help novice players learn raids, and we have experienced members that will help players quickly get through raids and dungeons. We run all of the dungeons and have ones very capable of teaching and learning. In the past week, we have raided 5 times and plan on working through the 5 raids that will be going into the Destiny Content Vault so our members can get the raid exclusive exotics and gear. We will farm checkpoints for players to get certain exotics such as Anarchy and Tarrabah. We also will be doing Garden of Salvation and Last Wish this week. We have some members that do Trials of Osiris and would love to have even more members that would be willing to do Trials. Our members take the time to help others with exotic quests or other difficult content quests even if they have done it before. Whether you are a novice player looking for a clan to start with or an expert player looking for other expert players, this is the clan for you. If you have any questions, let me know! I look forward to you joining our clan! Please join our Discord if you are are interested:



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