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由Abu編輯: 6/7/2020 1:48:17 PM

Looking for active xb1 raiding clan, experienced raider here with 60 raid clears total. Hmu, must use discord.

#Clans #Discord #xb1



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  • Hey there. I just started a new clan after co-founding and being an admin in other clans the last four years. If you're interested, you can get more information in the post that I just posted here: [url][/url].



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  • Elite Skies is a new clan and is an extended clan of Elite Division and Liquid Skies. A very active Destiny 2 community on Xbox One. Very active and friendly Xbox One clans with over 140 members in the same family community, both sharing one community discord channel. Cross clan play is supported between clans, always members to team up with, lots of help and experience here. We are from the United Kingdom and United States and Canada, ages from 16-50, we team up, we make friendships. We play all content from PvP to Pve, Survival to Raids. Members with various seals, raid completions and legend ranks. A place to bring your game forward and have fun. We follow good gaming codes and include everyone regardless of stats. A genuine community, free from toxicity where everyone is treated equal, girls and boys! We are proud of our clans unified community that we have built up and we always strive to keep it fun for everyone. Liquid Skies / DragunityJosh16 Elite Division / playboie89gif Elite Skies / mixitup1 3 clans, One fantastic Destiny 2 Community. Thankyou Mix



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  • my clan is always teaching inexperienced people the raids, whether it is first time completions or simply how to do a different role in a raid you have already completed. The entire clan is organized around helping others and turning people into highly skilled raiders. On top of that, most of the admins and sherpas have several high level accomplishments in Destiny 2 from world record speed runs or world’s first rankings to low man raid boss completions (3-man and 2-man runs clan of various raid bosses). Despite that, we put helping first and foremost because we have taught novice players to become expert raiders with those qualifications and there is no greater feeling. Even if you aren’t looking to play at that level, we are always looking for active players that will contribute. On the PVP end, our top guys helped dozens of people get Luna’s and Recluse last season, and all for free! We would be happy to have you. We use Discord to stay organized, so communicating and being active in our group on there being active is the only requirement to stay in the clan.



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