i’ve been playing Destiny 2 since the beta and trying to look cool as well as having a good stats we’re always my goal. however in Destiny 2 there is one set of armor per activity such as Vanguard, Raids, and crucible. I am not counting the ornaments or Trials because ornaments don’t change the look of the armor much or Trials which has its own unique theme and armor.
Wouldn’t it be better to have 3 different armor sets per activity for everyone DLC in a quest based system ?
For example for PvP it would be a set for Quickplay, Competitive, and Iron Banner.
For Raids: Normal, Prestige, and GrandMaster
For Strikes/Nightfalls: Normal, Hard, GrandMaster
The Armor for Normal modes and Quickplay can obtained from just play the activity or using the tokens.
However to get the armor set from the other modes you must complete the challenges with in the activity for the armor or gain Glory in Competitive playlist to gain the competitive armor.
Just some ideas I had 😊