[quote]My ping is usually at 29 max 32 but whenever I try to play pvp it just launches into 500+ and i'll usually start losing packets too. Is it a problem on my end or is it the way that pvp connection works on d2?[/quote]
PvP is a peer to peer so it’s entirely possible to have high pings to other players because their location or connection might be optimal. It could also be caused by your ISP or the node hops between you and the other players. I recommend to be observant if you have any lag with your characters, maybe play with a friend who can see if you are lagging/glitching. If your character appears fine, then the issue is with another player’s connection.
[quote]I'll try and set a custom match and see if its on my end. If it is, is there any way I can fix this?[/quote]
Check your router settings, clear your network equipment’s cache and reboot them, and call your ISP if those don’t work.
[quote]Thanks my man, i'll see if that helps[/quote]
Good luck. It’s good that you are wanting to research and investigate. Not many players want to and assume their connection is fine without anything to back up their claim other than saying no other game has an issue.