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由RAVEN編輯: 12/27/2019 4:12:41 AM

Negativity everywhere in this forum...

Miss the days, where people here are more chill. Talking about game related stuff on a lighter note, sharing funny experience and occasionally see “Nerf that, Nerf this” type of post and burn them accordingly. 😔 But now, every time I go on the forum, all I can see is “this sucks, that sucks”, the usual “Nerf that, Nerf” and more “bungle. I hate you” posts. 😐 Keep this up and no bungie employee would even wanna comment “we are listen” no more. [spoiler]But hey, just like what the snowflakes will always tell ya “Don’t like it just quit! No one cares 😡” haha 😆 [/spoiler]



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