As the Teleportation spell is cast, the heroes are blinded by magical light and feel as if they are falling. Then they feel a sudden pulling sensation and hear Jeff snicker, "Sorry friends! I know better than to fly against the storm! Say hello to the Witch Queen for me!"
The light dims to darkness and all is quiet.
[u][b]The Mountains[/b][/u]
The seven companies awaken in a clearing at the base of the mountain.
"Finally!" Giant exclaims, "What happened? Why are we here?" Rings brow furrows, "That damned Imp betrayed us."
Watson assists Holmes to his feet while Aku grips his head and mutters to himself. Holmes adjusts his coat, "What do you recall, Giant?"
He shrugs, "One second we were in Hoths bar and the next I was standing here and you were all unconscious."
"Uh, guys? Was that there before?" Lee points to the hole in the sky where a red slit eye has filled its frame, watching them.
Veggie breaks the silence, "It feels...I actually don't feel anything. It's a blank spot in the Force."
"Hmm," Holmes peers through his spyglass, "I assume it is Nils patron."
Lee kneels beside Aku, "You ok?"
Aku looks up, his green eyes diming, "I hear my head!"
"What, Nil?"
"Speak of the devil..." Ring points to a figure in the air slowly descending.
It takes a moment for them to recognize Nil, her usual attire has been replaced with a simple white tunic and nothing else, warscythe in hand. Across her pale skin, they see countless runes that glow or flicker with bright radiant light.
She has no eyes, just two empty voids weeping black ichor. As her feet touch the ground, plant life in a large radius around her withers away and becomes pools of the same substance.
"Hello darlings."
"Good evening, your majesty," Holmes responds while casting a spell of flight and rising into the air. Acro activates his boots and does the same, charging astral energy within his hands.
Giant grips his burning axe in both hands and takes a step forward, his boot sinking two inches into the viscous pool. The heroes encircle her, spells and weapons ready.
They strike in unison with a hail of bullets and blasts of magic as the others rush her from all sides. Nil spins into the air, creating spikes of frozen ichor around her and sending smaller shards towards the heroes.
Lee rolls to dodge the shards and Holmes creates a shield of magic to block them. Acro is hit by two and falls to the ground, but Ember is there to heal him.
Nil lands infront of Ring spinning with her scythe. He parrys the blows and backsteps as Giant and Watson charge from behind. She extends a hand behind her and sends two Eldritch Blasts at each of them. Watson raises his shield to deflect them while Giant dodges one and is knocked into the muck by the other.
Holmes casts a spell of Haste upon Ring to enhance his agility as Veggie leaps over more spikes to land beside him. They attack together and push her back until Ring severes her right leg and Veggie slices her left arm off at the elbow.
For a moment all is silent as Nil stands. A pulse from the beam sweeps them and they see a few of the runes upon her glow brighter then vanish. She grows new limbs, clawed and obsidian black, then slashes at Veggie.
Aku recovers from the pulse, his eyes glowing red, and screams in a thousand different voices.
A rift opens beneath him. A wave washes over the land, creating new viscous pools from which Shades begin to rise, partially skeletal imitations of the heroes covered in the same sludge they emerged from.
Giant creates a shield to protect Holmes as he begins casting a high level spell.
Ring and Watson duel their doubles.
Lee shoots three down before one tackles him. Veggie duels Nil as Giant rushes to assist.
Acro blasts Giants Shade to ashes and hovers over to help against Nil.
"[b][i]YOUR EXISTENCE...[/b][/i]
Aku appears behind Watson and stabs him in the back.
[b][i]...IS MY ENDLESS NIGHTMARE![/b][/i]"
Thunder booms above them as clouds gather, centered upon the eye, and rain begins to fall. Holmes calls out, lowering his hands to cast a new spell, "She is blinded! Strike now!"
Lee unloads on Nil while sprinting toward Aku and Watson. Ring, Veggie, and Giant hack and slash into her, their weapons leaving burning scars, while Acro hovers above unleashing blasts of Astral energy, and Nil falls to her knees.
Aku is relentlessly pounding into Watsons shield when Lee shoots him in the leg. Aku screams in pain and Watson uses his shield to knock him unconscious. The rift closes and the remaining Shades fall into the pools.
"I can help with that," Lee points to Watson's wound, a flower in hand.
Watson feels it, "Thank you friend, but you should save it. He didn't cut deep. I believe a part of him was holding back."
Laughter draws their attention to the group. The body of Nil rises with sickening cracks. Broken, burned, stained black, and riddled with bullet holes that grow dozens of small red eyes.
Ring brings his blade down again, "Don't let her regenerate!" The group sets to work, but her body changes as they strike, limbs and spine extending, thin tendrils lashing out. Holmes calls them off and throws a fireball.
An arm extends from the haze and impales Ringleader with three of its sword-like claws, then lifts him as the monster rises. Nil looks around at the heroes with a serpentine head.
"[i]Ring-a-round the rosie[/i]," Nil sings in their minds, tossing Rings lifeless body away as Veggie and Giant lunge forward.
The body lands near Watson, who nods to Lee before joining the fight. Lee kneels beside Ring and takes a flower from his pocket, but it withers away in his hands. He gasps for air as his veins turn black beneath his skin.
"[i]A pocket full of posies[/i]," he hears Nil sing, extending a hand to him. His vision goes dark and he falls. Holmes had attempted to counter her spell, but one of her tendrils whipped the magic out of the air.
A different laughter echoes across the field as Aku rises, green eyes brighter than ever. "No, no, no, my Queen!" The voice of Speaker bellows, "This one belongs to the Deeeeeep!" A new rift opens and Deep roots sprout and wrap around Nil, pulling her down as countless Shades attack.
Acro examines the scene, then turns to Ember with a sad smile, "I'll see you soon, buddy." He sacrifices the astral fox and begins to glow with energy as he hovers above, then unleashes it upon her.
To his horror, the tendrils have collected the energy.
The tail whips out and coils around him, bringing him closer to her. Veggie sprays Nil with lightning, the many eyes popping as she hisses and swings around blindly. Nil attempts to cast spells, but Holmes has dedicated himself to countering them.
Watson deflects her strikes and moves around to free Acro, but he sees him glow with astral energy, gritting his teeth, he mouths, "No."
Giant roars and repeatedly slams his burning axe into Nil, sending waves of fire across her monstrous form. She hisses and sweeps a hand forward, slicing Watson down and grabbing Veggie, slowly draining the life from him faster than he can regenerate.
Acro smiles, "Time to end this," and his body glows brighter as he prepares to implode, but Nil laughs as her tail throws him at Aku. The two vanish in a brilliant explosion and the rift closes.
"[i]Aahaahashesssss...[/i]" Nil laughs in their minds as she slams her hand down upon Giant, but he grips and holds it, then roars again and pushes her back.
Nil lifts her foot and pushes Giant deep into the ichor, digging her talons into his frame. She drops the lifeless body of Veggie beside him and twists her ankle, the lights of Giants eyes fade away, and Nil turns to Holmes.
"[i]We all fall down...[/i]"
Holmes stares up to the beam, quietly muttering, "Come on, come on..." Nil backhands him across the clearing, laughing as the beam emits another pulse that clears the sky.
"[i]Its almost time...[/i]"
由Unseelie Nil編輯: 12/27/2019 3:42:54 AMHolmes smiles, "You're right, it is. Would you like to hear how we plan to defeat you?" Another laugh and the monster lowers its head as if to hear him better. "By distracting you long enough for that to happen." He says, pointing behind it. Nil tilts its head, then turns to the beam as it vanishes and the world shakes as the thing beyond the hole in the sky roars in anger. Then the hole closes and the sun shines bright once more [u][b]Beyond the City Walls[/u][/b] False, somewhere within the serpent, hears a voice from his earpiece and replies, "Ah. hello! There will be time to debrief later. For now, initiate 'End All' targetting my location. I'm sending my authorization code now." Cobalt Spectre is preparing to swing again when he receives a message from Dr. False and the mech retreats, saying, "You've yeed your last haw, partner." A crack of thunder announces the tungsten slug penetrating the atmosphere and just before it impacts the Flesh Sculpter, the serpent disappears. [u][b]The Sea Elf Fleet[/u][/b] The survivors of the city watch the hole in the sky close and a ball of fire fall beyond the horizon. They hear a distant thump as a cloud of dust and ash engulf the city and a large wave rocks their ships. [u][b]The Mountains[/b][/u] Holmes smiles, "I saw this in a movie once!" He snaps his fingers. A wave of magic washes over the field and his allies suddenly rise and reappear fully healed and ready to fight once more. The immense power of the Wish takes its toll on his body and Holmes falls. The monster roars as the sun burns its body and the ichor around them is evaporated. The heroes waste no time. Ring raises a fist, shouting, "Ad Victoriam!" and emits a pulse of magic that bolsters them, then charges with his odachi. Acro and Lee both glow brightly as they shoot concentrated beams of energy and light at the monster. Veggie unleashes lightning with all his rage and Aku throws blasts of void energy. Giant leaps above the chaos and brings his axe down with a fiery explosion. The monster lies in it's back, wheezing, as Watson approaches, draws the enchanted popsicle from its sheath, and shoves it into the beasts chest for 1d4 humiliation damage, and it begins to disintegrate. Lee rushes to Holmes and uses his last flower to heal him. A moment passes and Holmes takes a deep breath, then Watson helps him to his feet and says, "Care to explain?" Holmes smiles, "I recieved a Sending from Benaiah, also known as Cool Hand Luke to some. He was close to the beam, but needed Nil distracted so he could slip in and destroy the orb." "So..." Aku frowns, "We were bait?" "I'm cool with it, " Acro adds, "It all worked out." Veggie smiles, "We've won! Let's go celebrate!" Giant places a hand on his shoulder, "I've already called the Golden Keep. The Primarch is coming to recover us personally!" The heroes celebrate their victory, and the death of the Witch Queen. [b][u]Deep Beneath the Mountains[/b][/u] The dwarven paladin Benaiah stands in the center of a stone platform within an underground lake, the sun shining faintly through the hole created by the beam. Stone falls into the lake and the ground shakes as the mountain crumbles around him. Upon the platform are four diagonal columns that hold it up with hollows filled with ice. One of the hollows shatters as a new Nil clone falls to her hands and knees, screaming with rage, a gaping hole in her chest dripping dark ichor. She turns to him and smiles, "Ah! Hello my old friend!" "Spare me your lies, fiend, you are not Nil." Benaiah grips his holy symbol, saying a prayer to Bernthal, and his armor ignites with green flame. The body of Nil levitates and laughs, "So you've come here to die? Happy to oblige!" A dozen shards of ice fly into his shield and armor. He feels blood trickling down his legs, but ignores the pain and throws his hammer. It impacts her and explodes with radiant light, knocking her out of the air, and he is there bringing another down upon her. She catches his arm and casts a spell that boils his blood. Benaiah roars with rage and pain, then slams his shield into her face channeling a mighty Smite! She hisses and throws him across the platform, then shoots four Eldritch Blasts at him. They bounce harmlessly off his shield as he barrels forward. Nil creates a wall of spikes pointing towards him and summons her warscythe as he plows throw, then they clash. Benaiah raises his shield and endures the relentless assault of twirls and leaps. She breaks his guard several times and leaves deep wounds, he drops his hammer to heal himself and then braces his shield with both arms. Finally, Benaiah sees an opening and shoves his shield forward, setting her off balance. Before she recovers, he swings his shield and smacks her across the face, then leaps up and Smites her with a burning gauntlet. Suddenly, he feels pain and cold in his gut and looks down to see the warscythe. Nil laughs and lifts him into the air. Benaiah gazes into her solid black eyes and remembers the adventures he shared with the Little Witch and their Xombie friend, but he sees nothing of her in this monster. Benaiah roars one last time and channels a Smite into his helm as he brings it down into her face. Nil is knocked back and loses her grip on the warscythe. He grabs it with one hand and snaps it with the other. Then he rushes Nil and punches her with his flaming gauntlets again and again, each Smite echoing like thunder in the large cavern. Benaiah grabs the heart from his satchel and shoves it into the hole in her chest. Nil grabs his arm and looks at him with confusion, then he casts a spell of Greater Restoration. Nil gasps for breath and Benaiah sees the terror in her expression as her mortality returns, then he squeezes with on final Smite and the heart burns. The other frozen hollows around the chamber shatter and the remaining clones fall to ash. Nils grip loosens and her body falls still before him as he sinks to his knees, a growing pool of blood around him. "Hey," Xronad appears before him, smiling, and offers a hand, "Time to go Lukelele!" Benaiah smiles and takes it as the mountain collapses around them.
I don’t really have the time to read these, but I just want to mention real quick how much I love the word “aeon”. Anything that uses it just immediately becomes so much cooler!
Dude, bravo on the writing, really drew me in, all siren like lol. Was sad you killed Nil though :(
[quote] "[b][i]FIRST, THERE WAS BLISSFUL NOTHING! THEN, EVERYTHING![/b][/i]" "[b][i]I FEEL YOUR EYES CRAWL UPON MY SKIN![/b][/i]" "[b][i]I SEE YOUR REVOLTING FORMS![/b][/i]" "[b][i]I HEAR THE DEAFENING SONGS OF YOUR THOUGHTS![/b][/i]" "[b][i]I SMELL THE DECAY OF ALL THAT IS AND EVER WAS![/b][/i]" "[b][i]YOUR EXISTENCE...[/b][/i] [b][i]...IS MY ENDLESS NIGHTMARE![/b][/i]" "[/quote] These quotes alone just seems so spine-chilling. Like the wrath unleashed upon them was inevitable.
The Spoken
😴 - 舊
We did it Mr Stark (Holmes) This was a good series (if it's even over...), I liked the way Ring died, "Ring around the rosie" fit super well into that.
I love how I just imploded on Aku, I can only imagine what would have happened to him in my realm after that.
I do have to say though, at first I thought me dragging you into my realm would be the catalyst for the plans we tried to make a while back.
Good evening, your majesty. I have acquired the time to read this and it is awesome! I live the story and the battles and the spells I used. Haste is such a good spell. This was cool. Great job! [spoiler]Also this opens more unique pathways dealing with creatures from the far realms and such. Thinks I will have to look out for and keep my spells at the ready. *Doctor strange music*[/spoiler]