So, I might be the only one who wants this. But I want the stupid exotics to come back, not necessarily stupid. The no land beyond was one of my favorites for being so unneeded and useless. I would love to have this back in the game and kick butt with it in pvp and pve. Maybe have a quest where Devrim Kay gives you one, or gives you a schematic to build one. This was very unique in d1 although bad, it was still cool. That is all I want for now. There are already different unique weapons so what difference will this make.
The difference is that NLB takes primary ammo and one shots to the head. While NLB takes skill to properly get kills with, the fact that it would ignore the ammo economy in Crucible could potentially lead to mass abuse. Sure, it could just take Special ammo, but then it'd just be a gimmicky weapon at that point.
Weapons like NLB, Universal Remote, Invective, and Icebreaker were all removed in D2 due to their ability to ignore the ammo economy. Whisper was nerfed to preserve that a year later, although, this was Bungie's fault entirely for bringing back a weapon in its unnerfed state.