Hey there!
Could you try doing it with a different weapon than Bad Juju? Exotics like this or Legend of Acrius do not count as far as I remember.
Hope this helps!
I'm not sure. There was a lot of confusion back then. So I went back and searched for more Info: Here are two TWAB Articles that talk about this: https://www.bungie.net/de/Explore/Detail/News/47986 https://www.bungie.net/de/Explore/Detail/News/47994 So in theory, Bad Juju should work, but I'm not sure about the other weapons as they are not listed (although Crown of Sorrow is a source, but maybe only the armor pieces count).
Thank you.. I did actually look at this and you might be right. Although they made it sound like you could use weapons from COS... they DO specifically list the Menagerie weapons so maybe ONLY those work for the quest. I guess I'll run a couple to get those weapons AGAIN and try it. I'll post an update if it works using ONLY those weapons.