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由Bert編輯: 10/14/2019 4:57:03 PM

[NA | PC | 20+] Generic Clan Name 1 Needs More Raiders!

[b]Generic Clan Name 1[/b] Just a group of generic dudes looking for other generic dudes to fill out some raid teams and do generic stuff. We mainly raid and do other endgame PvE activities - some PvP mixed in. [i]Here are some generic requirements:[/i] Previous Raid Experience (preferably cleared every raid prior to GoS multiple times) 930 PL minimum Be able to use Google Able to use the proper your/you're/ur Must have multiple brain cells (exceptions can be made) Ability to read optional Must have Discord Age: 21+ Location: NA (Eastern/Central US preferably) Typically online between 3-10pm EST weekdays, any time weekends We'll play other games from time to time. [b]If you think you'd be a good fit, reply to this post and give it an upvote! We'll contact you.[/b]



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  • 25 yrs old, over 1000 raid clears in D1, was deployed during D2 when it was on bnet and looking for a generic group to grind with. Havent cleared GoS because no group I've tried to clear it with knows what to do.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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