There's a shift in the wind as a strong cold breeze comes from the normally warm oceans. With it comes a blood red tide. Large waves crash along the shores leaving all manner of dead sea life behind.
Beyond the edge of the horizon beneath dark clouds, a fleet of ships with wood as white as bone and maroon sails approach. At the center, a galleon, [i]Winters Breath[/i], flying a violet flag with a white serpent skull, a scythe and broom crossed behind it.
A crack of thunder echoes and a vortex of orange energy circles above the galleon. On the deck stands the Witch Queen, a dark orb in her hands. She raises the Orb and the energy descends into it.
"The next seal is broken. Famine has succeeded." She silently stares into the Orb, a subtle and brief expression of sadness on her face, before turning to her first mate, a Sea Elf woman, with a smile.
"Would you be a dear and return this to my quarters?"
The Sea Elf takes the Orb carefully in her webbed hands with a, "Yes Captain," and walks away.
Nil leans against the rail of [i]Winters Breath[/i] and wipes a single bloody tear from her cheek.
[spoiler]I was going to have an event today but I just don't have the time so have this thing I spewed out in like 10 mins.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm not apologizing for the pun in the title.[/spoiler]
[spoiler][url=]Link to song I felt was sorta relevant. [/url][/spoiler]
由Beastmaker129編輯: 5/4/2020 3:44:29 PM
Somewhere out there, Davey Jones shed a tear of joy even though his hearts in a box or jar of dirt.
2 回覆
BuNpp [spoiler]This is very helpful. I need a distraction for the heroes while i prepare my restoration mission[/spoiler]