Ring woke up amidst the blackness of Nil's realm. It was dark, but with a violet and strange aura to everything. He stood up and dusted himself off, his power armor creaking from damage. As he began to discard his broken armor he took stock of his situation.
It seemed they were all in some sort of dark version of Off-topic city...that could only bode evil for the army of the good(-ish). Up ahead was a dark similtude of the old Senate building, looming on the purple horizon.
After getting rid of his bulkier armor, Ring set out towards the building alone. He couldn't see anybody nearby, but surely others must be in this same world. He knew he should meet up with some allies soon, maybe find some people that he could strategize with to find a way out of here.
As he arrived at the steps of the Senate, he heard a loud roar echoing in the distance. He paused for a moment, and was about to head in its direction, but some strange sense urged him on to the Senate.
He entered the main room of the "senate" and there he was met with an odd and vaguely perturbing sight. A strange, humanoid creature was staring at him from the Chancellor's seat. It was flesh colored, and had little features, but its lack of humanity was what made it horrific. As he watched, it slowly began morphing around the face. First a smile, then the rest of A face...his face. It began to imitate Ring's form, its flesh twisting and turning as it created blades and guns and clothes to perfectly match his.
"What are you..?" Ring asked slowly as he drew his sword.
"I am a monster," the Thing replied. "And I am you."
"So you imitate things your whole life, hm?"
"No, I ruin lives for a living."
Ring then unhitched his gun from his holster and stared himself squarely in the eye. "Dyin' ain't much of living...boy."
The thing grinned widely as he spoke, and the instant that the talk ended they both drew pistols and fired at each other. Neither was faster than the other, and the shots hit each in the left arm as they dodged.
Ring's sword flashed out as his other's side, but it was swiftly blocked with an identical blade. The two exchanged blow after blow, their swords cutting up the booths and chairs of the mock senate. Every so often one of the two would make head way and cut the other, but no mortal wounds were inflicted.
If anyone had been there to witness the fight, they would have had immediate trouble distinguishing between the two Rings. Slowly one of the two began to realize that the only they would be able to get the upper hand in this fight, was to look outside their weapons and armaments for aid.
Looking to the side, the Ring saw one of the Senate chairs had been knocked over. They began to maneuver their opponent around so that their back was to the fallen chair. Then, with a mighty shove they sent the other Ring sprawling over the chair, their legs hitting the wood and knocking them off balance. Before they could attempt to rise, the fallen Ring was met with a pommel to their forehead, forming a massive bruise and knocking them out instantly.
Later, a small group of Off-topic troops, who were on their way to investigate the strange roar from earlier, came across a lone figure in the dark. One of the men cried out in surprise as he recognized the president. "Mr President! People were wondering where you were, are you alright?"
[i]Ring[/i] walked up to the troops and smiled in reassurance. "Yes, everything is perfectly fine."