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7/9/2019 9:04:17 PM

Do You Mind How "Open" Bungie Is With Exotics?

I know you have to gather hype and Bungie are great at doing so, but do you mind how "open" Bungie is with Exotics? Would you rather they not have ornaments possibly spoiling Exotics or even on the roadmap? - Personally, I think what they did with Whisper of the Worm was the best way to present an Exotic. Dataminers found the catalyst but no one knew how or when it would be available. Someone, one day, stumbled upon it and the Community blew up. Ornaments weren't present until you got the gun, as well. What are your thoughts?



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  • Most Exotics seem to come from quests these days. Which, in of itself, removes much of the "Mystery" factor in them. Since, you know when you have an Exotic quest the only real "Mystery" is what Exotic you're gonna get at the end of it. Other than that... Honestly, I don't much care about hyping up stuff like this. I want to shoot and loot and shoot some more. Not have to wait a year for someone to finally stumble on how to actually obtain a cool and fun new gun/armour and then try and recreate the abitrary process they used to actually find the item, which will presumably be riddled with RNG... That said, I kinda wish they'd hold off on Ornaments for a bit. Like, give people time to actually get the new stuff and use the base looks before you start selling off a bunch of Ornaments for it... Heck, release Ornaments when you're dropping the Catalyst or something.



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