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7/9/2019 3:48:02 AM

Painful 40 Sleeper Node Grind with No Reward, WTH Bungie?

I've just finished probably one of the most painful grinds in all of D2 to "hack" all 40 Sleeper Nodes on Mars and all you get is the "Sleeping Beauty" Triumph and to get the ugly "Data Mine" emblem to read 40/40 . I have literally collected thousands of Resonate Stems since Warmind was released to try the RNG gamble over and over to finally unlock all of the Sleeper Nodes, to the most anticlimactic end to this miserable grid. Hell this didn't even unlock the "Warminded" emblem so what was the point of all this Bungie? I thought the "G-335 Anseris Overdrive" Exotic Sparrow was a major let down after collecting the 45 Lost Memory Fragments, and that was an easy thing to complete. The 40 Sleeper Nodes was an infinitely worst grind with no reward, seriously????



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