I've just finished probably one of the most painful grinds in all of D2 to "hack" all 40 Sleeper Nodes on Mars and all you get is the "Sleeping Beauty" Triumph and to get the ugly "Data Mine" emblem to read 40/40 . I have literally collected thousands of Resonate Stems since Warmind was released to try the RNG gamble over and over to finally unlock all of the Sleeper Nodes, to the most anticlimactic end to this miserable grid. Hell this didn't even unlock the "Warminded" emblem so what was the point of all this Bungie?
I thought the "G-335 Anseris Overdrive" Exotic Sparrow was a major let down after collecting the 45 Lost Memory Fragments, and that was an easy thing to complete. The 40 Sleeper Nodes was an infinitely worst grind with no reward, seriously????
Warminded is a customization on your Data Mine emblem. Press triangle on it to choose Warminded.
Once you get all 40, you might have to open up one more node to get the emblem, doesn't matter which one. I think the same thing happened to me. But I always wear that emblem now, I haven't taken it off for the past 3-4 months or whenever I got it. I like flexing that 40/40 and it looks cool with the orange and warmind theme
If I remember right, only 30-35 were needed for something of significance, so there being 40 might have just been leeway so that people didn't have to rely on as much RNG to complete. At least you've got that extra Triumph score now.
You gotta remember though. This was back in Warmind. This was barely the start of something remotely good. Looking at the game now, most from Warmind wasn't very high on the term 'rewards'
You should have seen some of the silly shit we did in Destiny 1. I'm not even sure how much time that game took off my life. To make a long story short don't sweat it it's just a game and they are going to obsolete most everything you get sooner or later anyway. Play for fun, nothing more and if it stops being fun stop playing
Another case of "everything I say is right and everyone who dares to apply logic in their answers gets downvoted". Enough of this toxism. Enjoy the report.