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7/1/2019 4:35:35 AM

Horrible connection lag between one friend (PC)

First of all, whenever he or I join each other's fireteam, it says no voice due to NAT issues on each other's banners. Tried port forwarding and all other methods mentioned online that normally would fix NAT issues to no avail. We appear to lag hard every 10 seconds or so on each other's screen even though we don't lag ourselves (for ex. he would tell me on discord that he died, but on my screen, he would be walking straight towards a wall...etc). Now, I would understand if we appear to lag on other friend's screen and vice versa but I never see other friend lagging on my screen, nor do they see my character lagging on their screen, except that one friend. If anyone knows any possible solution, do let me know. This is getting real annoying as we just started doing raids and what not.



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  • This problem can vary, 1. It could be one of your Wifi Connections 2. NAT type could be on a poor connection which is bad. The fixes I suggest is to try a new modem for one of you if not consider how far away you are and what machines/pcs/console you are both using! [b]Thanks![/b]



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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