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5/16/2019 5:58:52 PM

Tune Shards of Galanor

I think shards is far too inconsistent in returning energy, especially when comparing to warlocks; nova bomb does more damage than BB now and warlocks can get their super back instantly with skulls, I think the issue with shards is that its too reliant on hits rather than kills. E.g I can wipe out a whole wave of enemies and get back 1 second worth of super unlike when I damage a boss and get back 4 seconds worth. This really discourages hunters from using BB as a form of ad-clear and only save their super for the boss because we get a guaranteed 4 seconds of super return. If it was more reliant on kills we would be more likely to get more energy back which is a good thing. I'm not asking for instant BB back like nova bombs but I'm looking for more consistency in shards so it can be more predictable and I'll have a reason to use it again other than in mayhem or blind well.



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  • How the new shards regeneration works is as follows: The cap for how much energy you can get was decreased. How many seconds you get (0 counts as a full second in this game) per hit/kill was increased. So the cap before I think was full super or closer, it was just hard to pull of as you had to kill a lot of things. Now its probably around 75-80% cap but you get more time for hits/kills. Its still great and you arent losing much



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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