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由GMDeece7編輯: 5/14/2019 6:58:30 PM

Outbreak perfected catalyst possibility

I think the catalyst for the outbreak perfected is going to be more then 1 set of objectives. Allow me to explain. There is 1 catalyst (that I know of) that required a secondary step to be completed before it could be masterworked, the Sleeper Simulate. Now, let’s look at the outbreak perfected. 1 thing I noticed about the catalyst, is that it has an objective on it before we can put it on. Also, there is no kill counter on the outbreak. Normally, when you do a catalist, you at least gain a kill counter on the weapon. We seen news on YouTube describing the fallen transponder having a redder tint on it. This, leads me to believe that we’re going to have another objective to do before the catalyst will be considered completed.



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