what are y'alls thoughts on the quest?
personally i think the timer could be increased by at least a couple minutes
Who discovered this quest? And it’s a great quest. They should have one of these for each season/annual pass drop.
Whisper mission was fine with a timer, given that it was one of those missions where u gotta clear a room quickly then rush to the next one. Timer just doesn’t work out in something as large scale as this. I want to explore and take my time, I don’t care if the enemies are hard, or if the jumping puzzle is impossible.
The part up to Zero Hour is fine. Bungie however is starting to rely too heavily on timers and wipe mechanics as a source of difficulty. The occasional use of timers is fine. But we're at a point in Destiny 2, where the vast majority of content is being timed as a means of making it "challenging". As True Vanguard was rumored to have said, "A musical note...one note....can be the most beautiful sound in the world. But if you repeat that note over, and over, and over again with no change or no variety. You're eventually going to get the point where you get tired of it, and the sound becomes annoying." Bungie has reached that point with their use of timers.
As a older player, I just hope I can find a couple of cool people who wouldn’t mind helping me out. That’s really my only worries about it.
由Cyber-Anarchy編輯: 5/9/2019 3:24:18 PMThe fact that so many D1 weapons are being bought back leads me to believe: A). Bungie is focusing all their main effort, time and resources into D3 B). Bungie has become lazy and isn’t putting much effort into the game anymore C). We should expect to see more D1 weapons return
If you need more time, you just need to practice the mission more. From what i can see, if you can get to the last room with 5-6 minutes left, that should be enough with three people. Our goal for Whisper was to get to the last set of room with 12+ minutes left so we have plenty of time.
Timer was tough, but fair. My team went blind so took us a few tries to get to the room, then a few tries to clear it (6 total). I mean you get better the more you do it. We beat it with 0:36 seconds left. I assume the more I do the better time I'll get. First Whisper I beat had like 40 seconds left, now we can clear it with like 6:00 minutes (eye balling it). LOVED it though. The jumps, the vents, the maze coulda been mazzier, and maybe less barricades, the fans are tough on Hunters. The boss room is bland aesthetically but I love how it's a challenge. Wish killing some of the Adds along the way was more optional, not every room but maybe the 1st, 3rd, and 5th barricades could be optional. Would like more heavy drops, got 1 more round consistently.
It was fun and surprising , just came out of no where. But the timer was good enough , my fireteam finished it with 2 minutes left.
I like it a lot more than the Whisper One. Maybe because I hate fighting taken and the riskrunner makes this mission very fun. I dont think the timer needs to be increased, just tether the servitors as they spawn and melt them down with an arc weapon. When the shanks explode it will do a lot of damage to them.
Got very close to finishing in a team...but regardless of failing had a really fun time just going in solo and learning what to do. I'll get it done eventually through lfg That robot is fun :) It's like the whisper mission, once you know where to go and how to beat the bosses it becomes a cake walk.