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3/11/2019 2:03:07 PM

Losing motes without dying

When playing Gambit, the game keeps reporting that I lost motes when I haven't died. The text will pop up that I lost motes, post-games stats will reflect the loss, and my progress in the Malfeasance quest "Business as Usual" is negatively affected; but I still have the motes on my person, I can deposit them in the bank for credit towards summoning the primeval, but my stats (and Malfeasance quest) do not reflect the deposit. I've already lost about 20% of my progress on the quest to this bug, which is making the game unplayable for me since I have no control over it. The link I provided is to a Reddit thread where several people are describing the same issue.



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  • Hello, This issue is expected to be resolved with [url=]Update on March 12:[/url] [quote]Fixed an issue where Gambit activities may mistakenly report that players’ motes are lost when they defeat an enemy invader.[/quote]



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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