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8/18/2018 9:59:06 AM

Anyone remembers Easynow?

Hi everyone and anyone remember easynow1337? What ever happened to him? Did something happened to him that made him disappear from the face of the earth? Or was he bored of the internet and quit? I honestly do not know, he was one of my favorite Destiny Youtubers but now a days he's gone off the radar. If you guardian know the story of Easynow's disappearance then please let me know down in the comments below. I would love to know the answer so then I can finally put this mystery to sleep once and for all. Thanks for listening. -R



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  • 由Infernal Rift編輯: 10/13/2018 9:25:43 PM
    I know I'm late to this post but I'll go ahead and explain anyway. Round about November 2017 he deleted his channel after making a few explanation videos detailing why he was leaving. Main reasons were due to his epilepsy getting worse than before, his mum dealing with cancer and the fact his fiancee, lady desiree, didn't want to be together anymore, which is kinda heart breaking since easy even got to know her kids and such. He's on Twitter though. Not for a comeback or anything, just chilling. He seems to be doing ok now.



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