I'm salty as F*@!k over this and I don't care how much hate I get, how many downvotes it gets, how many whiny, angry "o u salty" comments I get. Your mom's a [generic insult here].
I hope 3 strikes is a SEASON-LONG-BAN.
If you had exotic quests involving Gambit: I hope they get deleted and all your progress on them is lost.
I hope you lose ANY ranks or resets you earned through the entire season.
If you're gonna screw over other players by bailing out and leaving them in 2vs4 or 1vs4 scenarios, you deserve to get screwed just as hard. Y'all are the same buckets of dirty douche-water that rage-quit competitive matches in Overwatch and bail out in the middle of Trials matches on people.
I know I'm P.O.'d as fokk right now, but YOU PEOPLE are the ones who turn competitive-gaming into toxic-as-fokk communities, and you deserve to be banned from the game-mode.
> "It's not my fault if I had to leave because I had stuff to do!"
Shut up. Then don't get into a FOKKIN' MATCH that takes 20 MINUTES knowing you probably have to leave to "do stuff" in 5 minutes. P!ss off, take your suspension.
> "Waaah, my team was losing and I didn't wanna waste my time. It's MY TIME, I can leave if I want!"
Shut up. It's not just "Your time." You're wasting the time of 3+ other people who were on your team. That's 3x more important than your time, you selfish tw@t. Man-up and take the "L." Also: P!ss off, take your suspension.
> "Bro ur PvP stats--"
My PVP starts are 100% sh!te compared to 90% of other players. Yup. Good "argument." Doesn't change the fact you're a rage-quitting tw@t who screws over other players because you can't man-up and take an L like anyone else in the world. P!ss off, take your suspension.
I can't WAIT to see it. I can't WAIT to see the angry, whiny tweets and forum posts by the players who get suspended.
No. No. And No. Shut up, take your suspensions, learn your lessons. Stop wasting everyone else's time.
Alright I'm done ranting, Kbye.
[quote]I'm salty as F*@!k over this and I don't care how much hate I get, how many downvotes it gets, how many whiny, angry "o u salty" comments I get. Your mom's a [generic insult here]. I hope 3 strikes is a SEASON-LONG-BAN. If you had exotic quests involving Gambit: I hope they get deleted and all your progress on them is lost. I hope you lose ANY ranks or resets you earned through the entire season. If you're gonna screw over other players by bailing out and leaving them in 2vs4 or 1vs4 scenarios, you deserve to get screwed just as hard. Y'all are the same buckets of dirty douche-water that rage-quit competitive matches in Overwatch and bail out in the middle of Trials matches on people. I know I'm P.O.'d as fokk right now, but YOU PEOPLE are the ones who turn competitive-gaming into toxic-as-fokk communities, and you deserve to be banned from the game-mode. > "It's not my fault if I had to leave because I had stuff to do!" Shut up. Then don't get into a FOKKIN' MATCH that takes 20 MINUTES knowing you probably have to leave to "do stuff" in 5 minutes. P!ss off, take your suspension. > "Waaah, my team was losing and I didn't wanna waste my time. It's MY TIME, I can leave if I want!" Shut up. It's not just "Your time." You're wasting the time of 3+ other people who were on your team. That's 3x more important than your time, you selfish tw@t. Man-up and take the "L." Also: P!ss off, take your suspension. > "Bro ur PvP stats--" My PVP starts are 100% sh!te compared to 90% of other players. Yup. Good "argument." Doesn't change the fact you're a rage-quitting tw@t who screws over other players because you can't man-up and take an L like anyone else in the world. P!ss off, take your suspension. I can't WAIT to see it. I can't WAIT to see the angry, whiny tweets and forum posts by the players who get suspended. "U CAN'T SUSPND MEE! I PAID 4 DIS GAME! M GONNA GET MY LAWYER N SUU U." "IT WASN'T MY FAULT, MY LITTLE BROTHER WAS ON MY ACCOUNT AND HE DID IT!" "CAN U UNSUSPENDED ME PLS?? I KEPT GETTING DISCONNECTIONS DAT NO ONE ELSE WAS GETTING AT THE TIME." No. No. And No. Shut up, take your suspensions, learn your lessons. Stop wasting everyone else's time. Alright I'm done ranting, Kbye.[/quote] You're getting a tad bit too excessive with the punishments you're wanting, some people just have bad Internet and they shouldn't be barred from the game mode they wanna play because they lagged out 3 times in a day. I used to work for a cable construction company, not everyone has fiber Internet speeds. I get frustrated with people leaving as well, but the main issue is with the balance right now. It's typically me solo at 550 against a full team of 590+ with sleeper and IKELOS SG.
well done my friend there is absolutely no excuse for rage quitting and the part about stats dead on. so glad this community isn't completely full of selfish primadonnas, who's stats arn't even good enough to be pro anyway
My problem would be getting d/c'd from their crap netcode. If B's server info read manual exits accurately then no worries, but I keep hearing people whining about getting suspended for drops. (But then again they may be lying, so... )
由Bieltan編輯: 10/6/2018 2:35:48 PMI mean, its all true lol. Now lets watch people try and say: >[i]"Oh my god, its just a GAME"[/i] (I mean if its just a game why are people getting so pissy about it to the point they ragequit? Pot kettle black lol) >[i]"Sometimes life happens"[/i] (true, but thats exceedingly rare, certainly not as common as the blatant, habitual bitch-tit ragequits) >Or, alternatively, they'll just insult you because they realise they dont actually have a genuine rebuttal and cant admit that habitual ragequitting is babyish, immature, the height of poor sportsmanship and makes gaming shitty for everyone around them.