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9/5/2018 3:26:42 PM

Infusions Mats, Cores, and Currencies

This is my second time posting on this subject. 1) Master cores are too rare to use in infusion. 2) Planetary materials are too expensive/activity limited. They are a barrier to anyone who doesn’t enjoy planetary activities. For instance, I play the game for strikes, pvp, story mode, and the occasional raid. None of those activities drop planetary materials. Essentially, you are forcing me to play content I don’t want to play in order to play content I really enjoy. 3) Iron Banner will include light level advantages and gear advantages. There should be some way to gain gear materials via just pvp, even if it is more expensive and time consuming than doing planetary activities. 4) If planetary materials are required to upgrade a piece of gear, planetary materials should drop when a piece of gear is dismantled. Or, it should st least have a decent chance to drop. 5) Forsaken has too many currencies. Cores, materials, shards, and glimmer are just the main ones (ironically all used for gear infusion). Yet, all of these are interchangeable via vendors. So, why not consolidate into one currency (or two at the most)? It’s a much more streamlined design.



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