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8/13/2018 9:33:52 PM

Join F4D3D today. Chill new PS4 clan (US/UK/EU)

F4D3D (Faded) is a new PS4 clan that’s looking for members to get ready for Forsaken. I have played since Destiny 1 beta. All levels and classes are welcome. 18+ preferred but nbd if youre not. We are small as F4D3D was just made 2 days ago but I am on most days and can help while we get more peeps Looking for people in different timezones to help or have fun with other clan members. We have some members from the US/UK and some from Europe so all are welcome. There is no pressure to be on 24/7. I am looking for active members for all activities including Crucible/Trials/Strikes and Raids, whatever. Also looking for others who’d like to get their Solstice gear with other clanmates. We use the D2 app and Discord to chat Message me if you would like more info. Clan page is here: [url][/url]



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