There's something i'd love to have in Destiny 2 which i'm going to go over, i'll break it down into 3 Categories: Ships, Sparrows and Ghosts, First up will be Ghosts because it's a very minor thing i want to talk about..
I'm wondering if Ghosts should go back to affecting your Power like they affected your light back in Destiny 1, i cant remember if it was since Taken King or Rise of Iron, i know Taken King ghosts were more mainstream, but Rise of Iron did have a few changes to loot with the Ghost Shells and also Class items, so i wonder if a Power Level for Ghosts should be a thing, some people would want them, some may not.. for them to implement that, Ghosts would need to be a more mainstream loot drop and not just Eververse
Ships: i think what would be cool is if Ships had mod slots that were for minor buffs that could assist you, So not just Transmat affects and Shaders, but also a slot that you could put in a Ship mod, similar to how there's armor mods i think Ships would greatly benefit from this, that way Ships could be more special than just a loading screen, also i would want Ships to be more mainstream, Less Eververse, More RNG Random Drops
Sparrows: The final thing i want to speak about has to do with sparrows, As with ships i think they need mod slots, allowing you to customize them a little more, but i'd also love for more tricks to be for them, like how there was Barrel Roles and Flips in Destiny 1, but how about more, How about a emote wheel for Sparrows, or something like that, I'd also love to see Sparrows be more main stream.