Add second Flawless Trails playlist and/or bring Elimination back.
There should be a second playlist for Trails of the Nine one that you can only enter once you've gone flawless and you can no longer enter the normal Trails playlist with that character and it drops Flawless Tokens that you can turn in for more Flawless Gear but make it like 1-3 per win depending on how much you won by (6 - 0 3 tokens, 6 - 3 2 tokens, 6 - 5 1 token, or the reverse of that for Countdown and 4 - 0 3 tokens, 4 - 2 2 tokens, 4 - 3 1 token for Survival but from the jaws gets you 3 tokens for both) or just make Trails what it used to be straight Elimination your team VS theirs, no respawn, long revive time, no being forced to dismantle a bomb and no having an enemy spawn behind you and shooting you in the back, just kill them and maybe res your team if you even can.
The main reason we (me & my friends) want these additions/changes is because Trails of Osiris was fun there was nothing against us other than the enemy team and their revives and for some of us we can't even do Trails anymore because we suck at objectives or hate the enemy spawning behind us and while alot of us are good not all of us can handle the current Meta (wormhunters with smg/pulse) unless we play it and others that can handle it and actually find trails to easy I miss the good old days of Trials of Osiris where we could have fun and the meta wasn't ever so one-sided.
Not sure if my forum categories are appropriate I was told to change an old post before to a different one.