Now I originally wasn't actually intending to do this as Feedback Fence isn't all that complex, but I did the work so I might as well share the results.
ACD/0 Feedback Fence's perk, Fury Conductors, states that:
[quote]Melee kills build up explosive energy within the ACD/0 Feedback Fence. Being struck by a melee attack unleashes this energy in a devastating explosion.[/quote]
Big talk, but does it back it up? Well, not really.
By default being hit by a melee attack will unleash an explosion that damages everything within 5m around the player for 22% of their base melee damage. This explosion will also slightly push enemies backward. If the player gets successful melee hits (meaning they connect with a target) it will add a stack of Fury Conductor. You can gain up to 3 max stacks. Every stack adds an additional 22% of your base melee damage to the explosion. 1 stack deal 44%, 2 stacks deal 66%, 3 stacks deal 88%. This is only base melee damage; any abilities that increase melee damage have no affect on the damage dealt by Feedback Fence. Once the explosion is triggered the player will lose all their accumulated stacks. After 10 seconds without a melee hit the player will also lose all stacks. If the player already has three stacks subsequent melee hits will simply reset this timer.
[1.2.3] - Each stack of Fury Conductor also reduces the amount of melee damage the player takes by 33%. This stacks multiplicatively. That means at three stacks the player does not receive 1% of melee damage, but rather ~29% of melee damage.
ACD/0 Feedback Fence is best utilized in playstyles that involve getting right in the enemy's face, melee focused builds especially. The [i]Code of the Protector[/i] and the [i]Code of the Juggernaut[/i] are good picks due to their ability to regenerate health on melee kills, which is useful since taking damage is required to activate Feedback Fence's ability. [i]Code of the Aggressor[/i] and [i]Code of the Earthshaker[/i] also compliment this exotic as the explosions from the melee abilities [i]Shield Bash[/i] and [i]Seismic Strike[/i] count as melee damage. Thus if used in a group of enemies the player can instantly gain all 3 stacks of Fury Conductor at once.
How does that titan exotic helmet work the one with the long ass horns? It says when u take damage but when i deal damage the perk shows up.
I like the Dunemarchers much more. Both are pretty weak for what they are, but the Perk on Feedback Fence doesn't last long enough for my playstyle.
It should function the opposite way it does now. Instead of building up with melee kills, it should increase melee damage, similar to D1 Stormcaller's Feedback perk, when taking incoming melee damage (but stacking up to 3 times), and unleash an AoE burst--as well as do increased melee damage--when you melee an enemy with that stored up energy.
由PR4X1S編輯: 4/22/2018 6:27:34 PMThese would be great in Challenge of elders; when it requires melee kills, but still I'd use Syntoceps but alas nothing like that exists in crappy D2. Bring back the Prison and the Forge events I say, or at least something like it.
It's a good tool for crucible. That 40 damage can help turn the tide of melee battles and the fence proc on arcstrider and sentinel hits too. It should store the damage you take as a whole and then convert it into stacks for 20 seconds. Each set of 60 damage could be one stack to keep balance.
[quote]Now I originally wasn't actually intending to do this as Feedback Fence isn't all that complex[/quote] Preeeeetty much, dude. I will say, a lot of people might not know about the explosive Melee Abilities counting as melee kills, which does make the item a blast (Pun very much intended) in Sandbox environments, but the damage the explosion deals is too weak to consider anywhere else.