Warning: Wall of text ahead. No tldr at the end.
The honest truth about Warframe is that it’s actually not that great of a game, just like the original Destiny. They are just designed to be as addicting as possible.
They give you a goal and then artificially stretch the time it takes to reach that goal so that while you’re doing one thing, you get bored/distracted and find something else to do.
For instance, if you want to craft something. First, you have to find the blueprint, which may or may not take hours/days/weeks. Then you have to find the parts, which again may take hours/days/weeks. Then you have to craft it, which can take up to several days (for no other reason than to sell you platinum to speed it up). And depending on what you’re crafting, you may have to repeat this process a few times.
While you’re crafting this item, you get distracted by things like finding mods, completing quests, selling junk to other players, simply looking for more things to craft, etc. Then by the time you’re done crafting your item, you’re already half bored of it and looking for the next shiny new thing to make. And then the cycle repeats.
Let’s circle back to the mod/gear system. Each and every piece of gear in the game has a capacity for mods, which runs on a kind of point system. Mods have levels that function as how many points they’ll take up. The higher capacity, the more/stronger mods you can put on a piece of gear. So basically, your gear starts off as a piece of shit with a couple of points and you have to level it (which takes a lot longer than it should, especially for new players) in order to actually make it useful. It should also be mentioned that leveling a weapon doesn’t increase any stats at all. Not one tiny bit. So if you level your gun up to level 30, but don’t have any decent mods on it, it’ll still be a piece of shit.
This is all wrapped in a very bland story that’s worse than vanilla D1, is stretched across all of the planets and locked behind side-quests/challenges called junctions, and set in about 5 different environments that are rotated around at random. Also there’s the fact that the grind and RNG are 100x worse than Destiny.
This game skates by on the fleeting moments of joy that you get when something finally finishes crafting, a rare mod finally drops, or you finally get the last blueprint for a new frame. Everything in between is a lackluster grindfest.
Edit: It seems like people have misunderstood. I’m not saying it’s a [i]bad[/i] game, I just said it’s not as great as everyone says it is. In my opinion, this game is exactly like those mobile games that everybody bitches about. The only difference is that they put in a little more than minimum effort.
It exists as the console/PC equivalent to candy crush or Adventure Capitalist. Just a time waster meant to grab every free second of your day. The reason people play this game so much is not because they love it, but because they’re either addicted or they have literally nothing better to do.
I like games with a grind (games like Destiny 1, WoW, Diablo, Borderlands kind of, etc.), but there comes a point when it’s not a grind anymore. Instead it’s just a paywall. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “It’s free to play!” “You can get everything in game without paying!” “They have to make money somehow!” Blah, blah, blah.
It may not be a paywall for [i]you[/i] because of the ability to trade other players for platinum, but [i]someone[/i] has to end up paying. The entire game is set up to sell platinum. They make everything that’s truly free look like garbage, then fill the market with decent looking cosmetics (and non-cosmetics) and charge abhorrent amounts for them. (Side note, a -blam!-ing [i]color palette[/i] costs 75 platinum, and if you don’t buy one, you only have access to about 10 colors) Now there are three choices: 1) don’t progress anymore and be satisfied by the minimum amount of content, 2) throw money at the screen, or 3) spend hours/days/weeks of your time in a PawnStars simulator trying to sell people items for platinum, almost always getting lowballed and/or trolled. Option 3 is where it becomes a paywall for other people.
Take the Warframe slots for instance. You can own a max of 2 frames before you have to buy more slots. So unless you held on to your free plat until late game (which let’s face it, the majority of players didn’t/won’t), then you have to either buy more or go on Pawn Stars to hock that Transient Fortitude for 20 plat, and if you’re lucky you’ll be able to get them to settle on 10. If you don’t buy anymore slots, you have to sell the frames you’ve slaved over and grinded to level/upgrade to a usable/enjoyable state in order to get any new frames.
Not to mention the “vaulted” content, which is a blatant ploy to hike up the trade prices of those items. If they announce that a prime frame is not going to be available anymore, people will clamor to get the pieces as quickly as possible. If there’s an option to pay for them, you bet your ass they will. Then once it’s vaulted, people turn right around and sell them to other players, who have to buy even more platinum than before in order to buy them.
Anyway. In closing, I say all of this not because I hate the game or I think it’s the worst pile of garbage to ever exist (which hinges on the fact that it’s technically ftp), but to enlighten others who see all of the “WARFRAME IS THE BEST GAME EVER OMG!!!!!” posts and ready them for the rude awakening that awaits. I’m doing this because from what I saw people saying about it, from these forums in particular, set my expectations way too high, and when I finally played it I felt severely underwhelmed. The only reason I still play it is because I have a friend who practically begged me to.
[quote]Warning: Wall of text ahead. No tldr at the end. The honest truth about Warframe is that it’s actually not that great of a game, just like the original Destiny. They are just designed to be as addicting as possible.[/quote] It’s actually great, but it’s all opinion. It’s a shoot and loot, not so much addicting as it takes a lot of play to accomplish what you want. [quote]They give you a goal and then artificially stretch the time it takes to reach that goal so that while you’re doing one thing, you get bored/distracted and find something else to do[/quote] They don’t artificially stretch anything. If you get distracted, that’s on you. [quote]For instance, if you want to craft something. First, you have to find the blueprint, which may or may not take hours/days/weeks. Then you have to find the parts, which again may take hours/days/weeks. Then you have to craft it, which can take up to several days (for no other reason than to sell you platinum to speed it up). And depending on what you’re crafting, you may have to repeat this process a few times.[/quote] Takes maybe half an hour of bad RNG, unless it’s prime gear. That should take time. Takes 12-24 hours to craft everything. 4 days for warframes, including parts. [quote]While you’re crafting this item, you get distracted by things like finding mods, completing quests, selling junk to other players, simply looking for more things to craft, etc. Then by the time you’re done crafting your item, you’re already half bored of it and looking for the next shiny new thing to make. And then the cycle repeats.[/quote] If you get distracted and bored, again, that’s on you. Personally I have a several crafted items of all classes ready in the foundry to play and level. [quote]Let’s circle back to the mod/gear system. Each and every piece of gear in the game has a capacity for mods, which runs on a kind of point system. Mods have levels that function as how many points they’ll take up. The higher capacity, the more/stronger mods you can put on a piece of gear. So basically, your gear starts off as a piece of shit with a couple of points and you have to level it (which takes a lot longer than it should, especially for new players) in order to actually make it useful. It should also be mentioned that leveling a weapon doesn’t increase any stats at all. Not one tiny bit. So if you level your gun up to level 30, but don’t have any decent mods on it, it’ll still be a piece of shit.[/quote] So you want mods handed to you? Heaven forbid you have to work for something! [quote]This is all wrapped in a very bland story that’s worse than vanilla D1, is stretched across all of the planets and locked behind side-quests/challenges called junctions, and set in about 5 different environments that are rotated around at random. Also there’s the fact that the grind and RNG are 100x worse than Destiny.[/quote] Yes the early story is weak, but remember this is a studio with a fraction of bungies resources at launch and now the later quests are full of awesome stories and lore second dream and war within come to mind. Planets locked behind the junctions? You mean that 10 second fight in the junction? How is the RNG worse? You know exactly what you can get in the activity you’re doing. [quote]This game skates by on the fleeting moments of joy that you get when something finally finishes crafting, a rare mod finally drops, or you finally get the last blueprint for a new frame. Everything in between is a lackluster grindfest.[/quote] Yes when you’ve worked hard towards that goal and you finally get it how dare you be happy!? Oh I forgot, we’ll be bored with it before it’s made... [quote]Edit: It seems like people have misunderstood. I’m not saying it’s a [i]bad[/i] game, I just said it’s not as great as everyone says it is. In my opinion, this game is exactly like those mobile games that everybody bitches about. The only difference is that they put in a little more than minimum effort. [/quote] The effort they’ve put into this game is incredible. They put everything on the line to make it successful. They started with near nothing, no publisher, no backing, nothing. It’s a labour of love. [quote]It exists as the console/PC equivalent to candy crush or Adventure Capitalist. Just a time waster meant to grab every free second of your day. The reason people play this game so much is not because they love it, but because they’re either addicted or they have literally nothing better to do.[/quote] That’s your opinion. I love it! I love the fast gameplay, the countless weapons and warframe combinations, the devs! [quote]I like games with a grind (games like Destiny 1, WoW, Diablo, Borderlands kind of, etc.), but there comes a point when it’s not a grind anymore. Instead it’s just a paywall. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “It’s free to play!” “You can get everything in game without paying!” “They have to make money somehow!” Blah, blah, blah.[/quote] Try eve online if you want to see what a true grinding game is. You have to plan ahead [u]YEARS.[/u] [quote]It may not be a paywall for [i]you[/i] because of the ability to trade other players for platinum, but [i]someone[/i] has to end up paying. The entire game is set up to sell platinum. They make everything that’s truly free look like garbage, then fill the market with decent looking cosmetics (and non-cosmetics) and charge abhorrent amounts for them. (Side note, a -blam!-ing [i]color palette[/i] costs 75 platinum, and if you don’t buy one, you only have access to about 10 colors) Now there are three choices: 1) don’t progress anymore and be satisfied by the minimum amount of content, 2) throw money at the screen, or 3) spend hours/days/weeks of your time in a PawnStars simulator trying to sell people items for platinum, almost always getting lowballed and/or trolled. Option 3 is where it becomes a paywall for other people.[/quote] They give away a lot, including palettes! It’s also easy, beyond ridiculous, to earn platinum. I can get that 75 for a colour palette in an hour. But I guess you want everything handed to you? [quote]Take the Warframe slots for instance. You can own a max of 2 frames before you have to buy more slots. So unless you held on to your free plat until late game (which let’s face it, the majority of players didn’t/won’t), then you have to either buy more or go on Pawn Stars to hock that Transient Fortitude” for 20 plat, and if you’re lucky you’ll be able to get them to settle on “10. If you don’t buy anymore slots, you have to sell the frames you’ve slaved over and grinded to level/upgrade to a usable/enjoyable state in order to get any new frames.[/quote] That’s called an in game economy. It’s the same in the real world. [quote]Not to mention the “vaulted” content, which is a blatant ploy to hike up the trade prices of those items. If they announce that a prime frame is not going to be available anymore, people will clamor to get the pieces as quickly as possible. If there’s an option to pay for them, you bet your ass they will. Then once it’s vaulted, people turn right around and sell them to other players, who have to buy even more platinum than before in order to buy them.[/quote] Yeah -blam!- them for keeping the ingame economy alive! How dare they! People don’t have to buy anything, that’s what is great about warframe! [quote]Anyway. In closing, I say all of this not because I hate the game or I think it’s the worst pile of garbage to ever exist (which hinges on the fact that it’s technically ftp), but to enlighten others who see all of the “WARFRAME IS THE BEST GAME EVER OMG!!!!!” posts and ready them for the rude awakening that awaits. I’m doing this because from what I saw people saying about it, from these forums in particular, set my expectations way too high, and when I finally played it I felt severely underwhelmed. The only reason I still play it is because I have a friend who practically begged me to.[/quote] It’s all just your own opinion, misguided in a lot of areas. And it’s wrong. [spoiler]in my opinion.[/spoiler]
To each there own I guess. I was MR 19 before my first purchase from PSN (had 4000+ plat) the only reason I did that was because of how much I loved the game and wanted to support the dev. From now on I'll buy every accessory pack. I'm currently MR23 and I'm still enjoying the game.
It is a loot grinder, did you not know that going in? Some people like to refer to it as Farmframe....that's what it is!
I stopped reading since it seems you don't really know that much about WF. The build times are there because the game is free. The premium currency is there because the game is free. Player trade is there to lesson the grind. Building the average weapon from the market won't take more than maybe an hour or two to farm for materials and when you have played the game for a while (like I have) you don't have to farm planetary materials that often because you get them in bulk so often just by playing the game. The easiest way to make plat is by just selling prime junk, which is super easy to get because it doesn't matter what the prime part it is. People will always buy prime junk, especially when the void trader comes, since people would rather buy prime parts to get ducats, than farm. I play Warframe because I find the core gameplay and massive verity in play styles fun. I have only paid $20 in the 3 years I have played and that was just for a bunch of cosmetics I wanted.
I think the biggest mistake about Warframe is that people compare it to Destiny. Although there are similarities, it's just diffrent. I have played both these games and both have their goods and their bads....is there a perfect game out there? No, of course not. Games are so subjective and the likes to some are hates for others. With Warframe it's free to play and try out. If you find you don't like it, delete it and move on. Nothing lost but some gaming time. With Destiny you pay $60 to find out you don't like it, well that hurts a little more I guess, but you move on as well.
Well the first thing is that the whole point of the game is farming and grinding to get better or newer stuff. Games like Diablo have done this since way back when, there are people that do enjoy that type of gameplay or do not mind it that much. If you are not one of those people then clearly the game is not for you, that is on you not the game. Second, and maybe even more relevant considering the mentality surrounding inapp purchases and MTX, Warframe is a free to play game. Most FTP games have systems with give you the option to put in either time or money, Warframe is actualy IMO one of the better ones in that regard. If it was a $60 full release then yes you can complain about that, but it is not, it is how the devs try to make a living out of this game. Personaly the timers never bothered me, Warframe is a pick up and play game anyway, play an hour or two and go do somwthing else, the game is perfect for that.
由Bieltan編輯: 2/1/2018 11:38:50 PM[quote]Not to mention the “vaulted” content, which is a blatant ploy to hike up the trade prices of those items. If they announce that a prime frame is not going to be available anymore, people will clamor to get the pieces as quickly as possible. If there’s an option to pay for them, you bet your ass they will. Then once it’s vaulted, people turn right around and sell them to other players, who have to buy even more platinum than before in order to buy them.[/quote] Not strictly true. Trinity Prime and Saryn Prime both go for the same as unvaulted frames, and both are very good. Saryn is monstrous with the right build, and a player who knows how to use Trinity is always welcome. Not to mention Trinity Prime is an amazing looking frame. Ember, Frost, Loki, Rhino, Nova? Yeah, you'll get bent over for those, but then thats because they are popular. Still, 3 of em being unvaulted next tuesday... ;) Oh, and if someone tried to beat me down under 20 plat on Transient Fortitude, I'd laugh in their virtual face. 25 is the bare bare [i]bare[/i] minimum for the good corrupted mods. Dont cave to lowballers, and they'll stop lowballing.
Why buy platinum to speed it up though? Just wait it out and grind other while you wait or sell to others players to earn plat.