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1/19/2018 10:02:00 PM

Bungie Doesn’t Know what D2 is

[u]They are confused children.[/u] Is it a reboot with a new take on the franchise? Is it a sequel that will slowly feed us old content? Should they suck their lollipop? Should they listen to their closest guardian and wait till dinner? It’s obvious from the latest “fix” to an issue that really wasn’t that impactful to the games overall experience. To throttle rewards, due to an undercooked system that allowed you to gain rewards faster that was [u]already[/u] throttled to 30 ranks, just makes it look like they don’t know what the hell they are doing. [quote]Introducing; New Crucible Modes! By that we mean you only get two, and you get the others by Fall of 2018 when you ask repeatedly on our forums where they are for 3 months... Introducing; Events! Oh, that’ll be $14 for the starter Dawning package, I mean who doesn’t want shaders and a free Sparrow? Christmas Spirit and all that right? Introd— you get the point.[/quote] [b]For those who are going to comment:[/b] It’s quite important we address these issues even if they have been “technically resolved” or “heard”. Sometimes, to get a point across to your child, you’re gonna have to repeat it a few times. It’s not a matter of just saying “Don’t try to drink that bleach son, that’s a dead meme”, because he won’t give a shit and will try to do it again when you’re not looking. You gotta go up to them, tell them why it’s wrong. Then say it again a few times. And then reference it later when you tuck them into bed. Then slap them when they say I hate you. Then turn off their night light for being a bad boy. Then ignore their cries for attention, and wait for a [i]genuine[/i] apology so you can turn the night light back on. You know, parenting. That’s what we have to do.



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