I mean, I would rather have New Monarchy win for that Sword, but if it's to piss off everybody again, I want DO to take it so everybody gets another stupid Grenade Launcher and watch as the forums fill up with enough salt and vinegar to start my potato chip factory.
None of the weapons are great and there are a handful of better weapons available elsewhere. at this point you might as well finish whatever armor set your after or the shaders you want. Personally I'll have 1 character in each faction I only want 1 thing from NM and I want FWC titan armor. DO its really just the auto rifle i'm interested in. So we'll see but In the end it won't matter honestly. Most of my effort will likely be in FWC. Atleast FWC guns look great with other shaders, especially the raid shader.
由GakMan編輯: 11/6/2017 4:27:36 PMI am hoping the FWC wins. That fusion looks a lot like The vacancy from D1. A person can only hope...
i dont even wanna play faction rally with how boring it is now..... i had more fun grinding the supplys then the public event farm...... its so much worse now, and really really boring. sould allow you to get faction tokens passively to get there gear like in d1... and faction rally for uniqe 1 of a kind wep's for witch if your faction dose the most public events they get it. thats all faction rally really is now, public event farm.
由GAMExPLEIGHR編輯: 11/4/2017 2:08:20 AMI’m joining dead orbit for that auto. I looked at the other 2 factions and I didn’t really care what they were selling. I’m hoping the auto is in the 720rpm or 360rpm type because we already have SO many 450/600rpm autos. If it’s just another boring 600/450 auto then I won’t even participate in the faction rally.
由TRANKiLLizr編輯: 11/3/2017 9:27:44 PM[quote]...watch as the forums fill up with enough salt and vinegar to start my potato chip factory.[/quote] HaHaHa!!! This! When Dead Orbit is announced as the winner troll heads will explode! Mom will wonder what the heck all the screaming and crying noises coming from the basement are and just assume it's the daily tantrum. She'll threaten a time out, but of course never follow through, and then throw down a couple of juiceboxes to appease snowflake. That is to assume anyone will play faction rally as there is (was) a big D2 boycott on the 7th...remember?? #DO4LIFE!!
由Red Right Hand編輯: 11/6/2017 2:18:58 AMI'm in! Because let's face it: if DO can win while offering such a piece of hot trash, it just instantly proves that faction wars is broken. BAM! Edit: Also... As a bonus, that Guiding Light auto rifle is gonna rip Scathelocke a new one where the sun don't shine!!!
Well, DO will win again. The competition is utterly pointless. They'll always win because [spoiler]BlAcK sHaDeRs *Grabs knife*[/spoiler]
I am sure a vocal minority of non-hunter mains salivate at the chance to get their very own wannabe quickfang, and I agree with you that it shall be fun to thwart them yet again, and make them purchase what looks like a truly unremarkable single-shot grenade launcher. In all honesty, even the DO shaders are trash. But for sheer salt value...
Allegiances mean jack all in a video game when you get the choice to stack 3 characters to one faction. Should just be 1 per account.
Lore wise......i despise DO -.- squishy, weak, pathetic wimpy people. I don't wanna abandon my people and the Traveler that granted me the power to fight back. NM has a decent view but it is flawed. 1 person to rule us all isnt that smart. Vanguard is the best faction (FWC is 2nd best cuz war is inevitable)
Can I kill every Dead Orbit fan? Oh wait, you're all emos so you all would be googling "how to make a noose".
2 回覆
I will use none of the super awesome winning faction weapons, with their badass perks and completely unique styling that sets them apart from the rest of weapons in the game. Wouldn't that be awesome, if they weren't just copy pasted bullshit.
Well we can look at it this way.. All black shaders are very popular.. and this is PC's faction rally.. Dead Orbit has black shaders... If DO wins again, this just proves faction rally is pointless since the hive mind community will always pick the same faction no matter what. Kind of like how it was in Mortal Kombat X when Lin Kuei won the faction war 5 months in a row because everyone has a boner for Sub-Zero.