Just reading the update news and noticed this... [b] "We noticed that players felt Lost Sectors were useful, but disliked the fact that they couldn’t enjoy them with a fireteam, so we moved the faction tokens from the destructible items to the chest at the end of the activity. The destructibles will still be featured as a daily milestone and are still available to help your fireteam clear out the Lost Sector."
This is a sad ass lie period. They didn't like the fact that during the last faction rally, people simply destroyed the items for tokens and farmed to the max number of packages without having to mind numbingly complete the useless sectors every time.
If they wanna make this change to try and keep people playing longer, that's what should be said, not this sad ass lie about wanting to do sectors with a fireteam. Like whose ass did they even pull that out of. Not even a good lie for christs sake. smh. I'm sure I'm like many people who wont even bother to touch this faction crap after the first one anyway but damn Bungie, grow some -blam!-ing balls and tell the truth...
Everyone has lost the -blam!-ing plot, what are you on about? First faction rally you had to do lost sectors by yourself, now you can do them with a team.... i really hope Ive been baited into a troll post because if not, yiu represent a good portion of what is wring this community
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold
由TheShadow-cali編輯: 11/4/2017 2:33:27 AMYou are right about pulling one liners out of where the sun don't shine. Think about it, even Deej could of came up with a better lie then "end game content is about friends" to cover this companies butt for having a lazy team working on the raids... [quote]"We noticed that players felt Lost Sectors were useful, but disliked the fact that they couldn’t enjoy them with a fireteam[/quote] "Useful"? lol come on Bungie, no one gives a flying hoot about stupid tokens that every vendor ends up giving gamers multiple duplicates that are dismantled. WTH is wrong with this company? This is called an "improvement"? Who the hell comes up with these dumb decisions that it's like a 5 year old is making these calls. My mommy said you guys like this so I'll change it and we all can play together... Then on top of it [quote]Bungie players dislike the fact that they couldn't enjoy them with a fireteam?[/quote] Please tell me you guys don't suck at the most watered down game in 2017 that you "need" or even "wanted" a fireteam to run an event that a 5 year old can complete?
Maybe not use profanity laced words in your response. No need for it. You can get your point across without it. In fact probably do a even better job without it
由vaylon1701編輯: 11/3/2017 7:10:34 PMBungie lie's about everything they do and don't do. Destiny 2 is pretty worthless at this point because of bungie. What exactly is the purpose of playing anymore? No activities are fun or rewarding. There is no way to make your guardian special in the slightest, so forget about making the legendary. That was just misunderstood marketing humor. It's not really even a real shooter anymore. It's not even a very good social game anymore because they took the fun out of everything. It's not innovative in the slightest. It lacks any real creativity for a new game. and its seems like a dumbed down and meaningless version of D1. Salty? Heck yea I am salty. They took a game I loved to one I despise with a passion at this point. What really ruffles my feathers is the lie's. All over every forum on the net is tons of complaints about how lame and useless the rewards system is in this game. How useless some activities are and how boring it has become of the simplified mechanics. Yet Bungie says it may take some time to make changes. Yet when someone uses an emote to backwalk thru a wall. They can get that fixed in 2 weeks as a priority. Or if a player finds a farming method, lets change the entire reward system for that activity. I think Bungie is trying to kill this game with every update and decision they make. Without my friends, this game is a heaping pile of mindless, stinky shite. and my friends are almost all gone. Nobody but noobs want to play this game anymore and even the noobs leave really quick. Most new players only play for a week or 2 and are gone for good. They are not coming back.
Ive been in these forums for 10mins and i already want to scratch my eyes out, why is everyone so sooky about everything, did you have fun running around by yourself because only one person could get the tokens from destroying the munitions? Yeah i didnt... this is a welcome change imo, going into a lost sector shooting a couple of boxes solo while my friends were in other lost sectors shooting boxes solo was pretty dumb, at least this way if you arent in a fireteam you may be able to pair up with random and farm lost sectors and youll all get rewards... like literally what is the big deal? Run to the end of the sector by yourself, melt boss open chest repeat, it will take the same anount of time, lord please help me...
Last time round in my team of three: "Aw, we don't get tokens from each other's stash kills". Now the solo grinders are all sad. Ah well.
When I read that, I thought: No ... you just want people to play the game the way you want them to play. I thought the same thing when they killed the loot cave and nerf the engram drop rate in D1. Like ... Destiny is a quasi MMO ... accept it ... players farm. That's a part of a loot game. Farming. Why dictate the rate and how players farm. Did you guys hear about a possible cooldown on exp gain? I really hope that's a bug because if not.. WTF