Phenomenal read, thanks for sharing!
Not exactly related to the arcologies or the evacuation, but an Easter egg all the same that I found [i]fascinating[/i]... one of the ghost Easter eggs mentions a very large object beneath the arcology.
If you look in the background at the very end of the Titan strike, you might see something very intriguing along those lines.
I think Titan is especially appealing because of how small the space is today, but how large it is in potential. Can’t wait to see if they expand upon it a bit more!
I'm sure more is to come on the large creatures below. I actually purposely avoided it because there is lots of debate about what those creatures are and since it wasn't about the arcology itself.
That said, very cool and looking forward to finding out more (hopefully)
Yeah fair play. Shows how out of touch I am re: what’s being discussed. I only noticed them floating in the background the other day, and suffice to say I was excited haha. I really hope they jump into Titan in more detail. It’s one of the coolest concepts of any Bungie destination.