[Xbox One] Destiny Diehards adult competitive-casual clan recruiting for D2
Quick on your feet? Can hold your own? Learn fast? U.S. Adult gamer easy to get along with who doesn't have anyone to raid with? Join Destiny Diehards in a raid and see if you click with the group. Don't forget: being in a D2 clan gets you extra loot! /cornyD2clanrecruitpost
[b]Our Bungie Clan url[/b] >> https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2143900
* Competitive Casual (definitely not casual, not super competitive) - PTFO - All Destiny Game Modes - Pref 30+ but younger if you're chill, mature, fun - Don't mind sherpa-ing, but don't want to carry you! Hold your own
[i]If interested in learning more contact AddiCt3d 2CHa0s (0 is a zero) or KogesKoges on Live or Bungie.net and intro yourself.[/i]