Dysfunctional Kings
Xbox One
A relaxed group of Gamers reside here. We met years ago when the Vault of Glass first opened and we have been raiding together ever since. While our play styles vary greatly, we all share one thing in common. Whatever we do, whatever event we are going into, we go in there to have fun, above All Else.
All of us are adults. Most of us have kids. We all have jobs and we play together to relax and maybe get a few things done. We go through hell for each other, we have each other's backs and we don't give up on each other when the going gets rough.
If you have a similar attitude when playing Cooperative endgame content, like raiding, trials or even public event loops, whatever it is, hit us up. We do our best in here to make sure everybody is covered at all times.
Mephisto75 - Clan Leader
TCH77 - Admin
Grisbourne - Admin
FiveFoldAngels - Admin
DirectorNasty - Admin