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由Billybobbjoebob編輯: 9/13/2017 2:31:55 PM

I made a mistake. The Kekistan group and gauntlets are not racist,

Tl;Dr: kekistan isn't racist, it's satirical and filled with trolls. Butt hurt forum posters are still butt hurt. Bungie is in the right for removing the icon, but in the wrong for how they did it. So I've been commenting on a few people's posts butt hurt about the removal of the kek gauntlets, defending Bungie's decision, and agreeing that Kekistan is a hate group. But it isn't. Looking from the outside in, it can appear to be. But in reality, it is a troll group that satirically and sarcastically portray a German white nationalist group whose name is censored with their own, trollish flavor added. Is their flag based off that same censored German flag, yes. But if you go to their Reddit thread, where they basically all live, there is no hate there. Just posts about seeing green stuff and calling it a "kek thing". Like seeing a green semi and calling it a kek semi. They also use the symbol Pepe, which is now a hate symbol. That in itself is dumb because it was never originated as a hate symbol, and they don't use it as one, unless again portraying that same censored German group with it satirically. They mainly use it how it use to be used. As an innocent meme.... And a prophet for their religion. And if they make fun of something, they make fun of everything, not excluding white people. So now that that's out of the way, some final points to bring up; • Do I now agree with the forum posts that are butt hurt about the change? No, I still don't, which is why I'm still calling them butt hurt, because their arguments are stupid and they don't actually ever point out things like this. So they aren't arguing it because it's not a racist symbol. They're arguing it because it's something being removed that they like, even if it was a racist symbol. They will come back, they will probably just have something else in place of the "kek" symbol. Which, to me, the cool part about them was the elbow spike. So I could care less about the kek. • Do I still agree with Bungie's decision to remove the gauntlets. Partially. I still understand why they did it, but I disagree how they did it. I still agree that they should remove it, because although the kekistan aren't racist, their flag is based off of a racist symbol, that one german flag. Which again, is more of a joke, than seriously trying to be a modernized white nationalist german group. But Bungie also wrongly associated kekistan with a white nationalist group instead of doing their own homework. If they made their statement something like "We know Kekistan aren't a hate group. They are a troll group. But their symbol is based off of a hate icon, so we have to remove it from our gauntlets", then I don't think there would be as much of a backlash. So if you see one of my comments on your forum post, calling kekistan a hate group, please disregard that. It was me making the same mistake Bungie had made, by just reading what other people were calling them, instead of searching stuff for myself. But the difference between Bungie and me is that I ended up doing the research and I am publicly acknowledging it.



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