So I got the 'Await the world eater' and ASSUMED once it got the 5 components it would turn into something or start a mission. Turns out it is something that hasn't been started yet in Destiny 2. That's fine and all but why does a quest have to occupy a POWER SLOT? I tried to store it and it won't give me that option either. So now I have this quest in one of my weapon slots and its pretty much useless until such point as I do the quest.
Bungie either make it storable or put it somewhere else. You are taking up players weapons slots for things that are not in the game yet.... please. I would like to hear back from someone on this if possible.
Love the game so far.
Why are you holding so many weapons in your heavy slot lmao .... get rid of them Atheons Alliance For casual players as well as the hard core . Atheons Alliance is a clan of guardians that works together to achieve your weekly goals. NightFalls, crucible, public events, Raids, group up with your clan mates and get that light level to 350. Experienced members welcome and inexperienced members welcome as well. For invite click link in bottom or message Rambo007-_- on psn Clan motto Yah, we pushed him Join us,
You can afford a slot... they give you 9 fückïng slots there's no way you have 9 power weapons to cycle through for what you're doing so shut the hell up your arguement means nothing to bungie you peasant
It's for the raid. Probably something like "Complete the raid and get this exotic weapon" kind of deal.
To be fair, I have it also but as I'm power level 238 (almost said light) I'm still cycling through weapons and dumping lower level legendaries in to the vault. I'm only carrying a handful of each type to give me a little flexiblity. Will be fun when i run out of vault space though, trying to work out what is potentially good when infused and what to infuse or shard...