Dads Of Destiny is a gaming community started by a single idea sent into the atmosphere by a great group of like-minded individuals.
[b]Family[/b] - Is always first and foremost in every aspect of this community.
[b]Work[/b] – Do I have too? Yes, we all do and someone will be there for you no matter when you’re off work.
[b]Gaming[/b] - Limited time to game? Some do some don’t. You’ll always find a place to fit in here at Dads Of Destiny Gaming Community.
The Dads of Destiny group is a mixed bag composed of Dads whose goal is to teach fellow fathers the finer points of PvE and PvP gaming. We have multiple chat threads for a variety of your favorite games. Our members are spread across America, Aus, Asia, and Europe.
Our group goals are:
1. Play with other gamers that understand the idea of being a family man and an adult.
2. Meet other members of the Dads of Destiny community.
3. Become better players.
4. Gain valuable loot. Regardless of what people say we all love a good looking tie.
5. Have FUN!
6. PvP tryhard/casual? PvE Sherpa/Noob? What is Patrol/Crucible? Iron Banana Shenanigans? Yes to all.
We take it all seriously but within limits. We'll finish the raid tomorrow and understand if you need to step away to take care of your kid or that last minute honey-do list. Parenting/Being married is a full-time job and should be foremost on your priority list.
Originally the clan started as a small 40 member clan, that grew into a group of over 50,000 members and 500+ clans across PS and Xbox. With Destiny 2 coming to PC we're looking to expand into the Master race realm.....¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We’re not about pressure or competition or kd/r's but more specifically about how you want to enjoy your precious game time with the people you want to enjoy it with. There is a real sense of family within the community that plays a big role in the actions of our group.
Join us on:
[b]Main source of communication. Join our BAND:[/b] http://band.us/@dadsofdestiny
1 回覆
Are there any openings in the PC clan? I play on PS4 and PC, but switching to PC mainly.
Looking for invite to DoD clan est. I'm pretty active and want to bring my son with me.
I am a Granddad and I am very active in Destiny since release of Destiny 1. Looking to join. My previous clan was made up of youngsters most interested in PvP. I like PvP but enjoy PvE the most.
I have been a solo player since d1 due to my daughter and other responsibilities including school it would be great to be part of a clan that understands that I would like to join
I was part of a DoD clan on PS3 for D1, and am now starting D2 on PS4. I would like to rejoin a clan of DoD. PSN name is damaska.
Looking to join the clan. Love playing Destiny 2 but obviously don't have as much time as others due to family. Good to see a group out there that has the same values of family and work. XB1 gamertag is bButts68iou1
I'm very much interested in joining, I'm over on discord app in your channel as well. When possible reach out to me. Thanks.
Xbox One: Interested in bringing myself and 3 other dads into an existing clan. We are currently in a smaller clan but would like to join a larger group. Gamertag: oo big tuna oo
由MrBillyHoke編輯: 9/13/2017 11:48:17 PMHey! My wife and I play Destiny 2 and would love clan mates to Raid and Strike with whilst our 3 month old daughter takes her naps! My PSN - MrBillyHoke Her PSN - MrsBillyHoke
Hey all. I am a member of Dads of Destiny/Spartans on Destiny 1 and looking to rejoin DoD on Destiny 2. Please invite :D I am very active and looking to help others. Currently have a lvl 20 Spartan (240) and 20 Hunter (215). Thanks, Scott Williams
Would love to join DoD please!!! 273 Warlock currently and 2 daughters!! Very active while off work/off days and extremely helpful!! Please send invite!! Thanks!!
由Phoolproof編輯: 9/1/2017 3:32:15 PMI love the concept as I am a dad. Please invite NM - I see the button to join. Hope to see you all in D2
由CronoBoh編輯: 9/1/2017 8:35:23 PMHello. I am interested in joining one of your DoD clans. Now that my daughter for the most part has a set sleeping schedule, I am very interested in going back to Destiny. Never completed Wrath of the Machine, but I did all the other raids (always through LFG sites). I mostly play late at night (U.S. Central Time) as long as the day winds down calmly at home. I am hoping to find a group of fellow guardians who understand that sometimes I may have to step away from an activity due to something unexpected coming up with either my daughter or wife. Forgot to mention that I am on PSN.
I'm down to join. I've been looking for a D2 clan. I have 2 small kids so time is limited, but I put in work when I can.
Sounds awesome to me it's tough being a gamer dad that wants to play all the time but can't. As long as their are no requirements on must complete so much in a time period I'm down I'm PS4 and EST hunter started d1 had to quit after a year to welcome my little one into the world and dying to dive back in. If that sounds acceptable let me know
Hey, a step dad of a little girl. I am looking for a clan that understands that I can't always play for 8-10 marathon hours like I used to. I would love to join dads of destiny. My current clan has been inactive for the past few weeks leading up to D2 and is losing members left and right. I am a PS4 player based out of central Louisiana.